Thursday, March 6, 2008

#18 AoD

Back on Tuesday March fourth, the primaries in Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island went underway. In the end, after an eleven to zero winning streak, Senator Obama won only in Vermont. Senator Clinton won Texas, Ohio, and Rhode Island, her first victories since January. Senator Obama played down his losses because he still holds the largest number of delegates. Both senators have insisted that they have the best credentials to "go head to head against McCain." Because of his winning streak, Senator Obama has a lead that will be hard for Senator Clinton to overcome. Senator Clinton won approximately fifty-five percent of the vote in Ohio and just over half in Texas. Senator Obama still has about the same lead as he did on the morning of the primaries. Within the four states, Senator Clinton got at least 115 delegates while Senator Obama got at least eighty-eight. Senator Obama has a totoal of 1,307 delegates not counting the superdelegates. Senator Clinton has 1, 175 and it takes 2,025 to win the democratic nomination. Next up: Wyoming and Mississippi. Wyoming is offering twelve delegates and Mississippi is offering thirty-three. The next prize after that will be Pennsylvania with 158 delegates. Both Senators offered their congrats to John McCain who triumphed in the Republican race. On to Wyoming next Saturday then Mississippi the following week. With Senator Clinton still in the race, things are going to start heating up, literally.