Wednesday, September 26, 2007

#2 Writing Philosophy

On a regular basis I do not do much writing. Most of the writing I do is for academic essays and for responding to messages on Myspace. Other than these, I generally try to avoid writing. In terms of Myspace messaging there is no planned way that I approach it. I read what the other person typed and then I respond with what ever comes to mind first, as long as it is related to the subject at hand. For academic essays, I usually start my writing by organizing my information. Once that is complete, I obviously start to write the essay. The templates in They Say/ I Say do and do not affect the process for these. When messaging, the templates do not often affect the process unless I am debating or arguing with the other person about a specific topic because I usually do not use the template. When I am arguing, such a template is quite useful. On the other hand, using this template on academic essays can be more of a problem. Most essays I have done in the past have been research essays with set information. With these kinds of essays, the research is often set information leaving little or no room to tell what you think or have to say about the topic. With the information, I have my own opinion but more often than not, the assingment does not call for, or require, my thoughts. On those few essays and assingments when others can give me their opinions and I can give mine back, this template is actually quite helpful. This template can help me organize my thoughts and ideas in a way so I can write them effectively. As you probably already guessed, I'm not much of a writer. When I do have to write though, the specific templates mentioned in They Say/ I Say can often be quite helpful depending on the give assingment or essay.

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