Monday, December 10, 2007

#9 AoD

Yesterday, my sister and I got into a debate/argument. She was complaining that she has way too much homework to do. When I heard this I started to tell her how she outght to come to PSEC and then see what real homework is like. She got mad and started in on how I always have it worse than everyone else. She started in with how she has book reports to do and how she spends some of her weekends doing homework. I told her that it takes her that long because she will not get off of myspace when she does her work. I then stated how my homework takes all weekend because there is that much to do. Yet again her only argument was how I always have it worse than her. I decided to try and show her my homework to see if she would believe me then. Somehow that did not work either. She just got madder, and went off into one of her tangents, and in doing that striking a similar resemblence to my mom. My mom got involved after hearing enough and yelled at both of us. My sister fought back but I just let it go and walk away. Yet again I learned too late that there are some arguments to walk away from and others to become involved in. I realized in te end that this was one to not get involved in.

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