Tuesday, December 4, 2007

#8 AoD

Lately, I have noticed that my grandma and my dad argue a lot. It's not fighting arguing, it's more like bickering arguing. My grandma has been getting older so my dad has been doing more to help. She, most often, responds to this with the argument that she is not an invalid. This seems to go on and on, week after week. I've made a couple attempts to step in and try to help. My dad is more willing to listen and aggree. My grandma though, is too bullheaded to even try. She is unwilling to accept that she is getting older and less capable to certain things. I've tried to talk wither her alone and see if that makes a difference, but she is just unwilling to listen or bend. She is not completely incaple to anything by far, but with the road she is talking, she'll be there soon. I only wish that there was something I could do or say to help resolve both situations before it becomes too much of a problem.

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