Sunday, April 19, 2009

Synthesis Week 3

--This week, all of the readings seemed to connect better than last week’s readings. The readings themselves were “The Sun Also Rises, Letters to F. Scott Fitzgerald, Eulogy on the Flappers, What Became of the Flappers, The Big Blonde, and Poems by Dorothy Parker.” The main theme for the readings this week seemed to be the lives and issues of the Flappers in the 1920’s and early 1930’s. On Monday we discussed the “Sun Also Rises” which covered the daily life of a typical Flapper. It was all about drinking, dancing, and dating multiple men. The “Letters to F. Scott Fitzgerald” and the pieces on the Flappers were all about who the Flappers were and what they stood for and believed. Finally there was “The Big Blonde” that covered the issue of alcoholism among Flappers. Some of this was covered in history on Monday when we discussed the sexual revolution in the 1920’s. We talked about how women were now allowed or better yet chose to engage in their sexual desires. Finally women were starting to be able to live their lives as they saw fit and not as men believed they should.

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