Thursday, November 29, 2007

Essay 3 Reflection

1.)Group interaction for this essay went fairly well. When we were here at school, there were few problems with interaction and we got most of the work done because of that. However, in terms of communication outside of school, things didn't go so well. Shelby and I kept in contact most of the time. On the weekends, Thanksgiving weekend specifically, Josh and Johan did not e-mail either of us back at all. Because Shelby and I communicated, a good portion of the work got done so we didn't have to rush at the last second. For the most part, communication wasn't a problem exept in those few instances.

2.)The contract helped and was applied while we did this essay. We each did our parts like we were supposed to. We all did our research and we all contributed in any way that we needed to or could. At the end there was some minor trouble though. Josh and Johan did not thave their parts written. Shelby and I considered chewing them out and possibly deducting points, but we later found that it was because they couldn't find any more information. Because this had been such a problem during this whole essay and because they were really frustrated, we decided to help them figure it out as quickly as possible. In the end, the work got done and no "punishment" was required. So basically, the contract did exactly what it was supposed to and no one deviated from it.

3.)The wiki was fairly helpful during this essay. At first not much was posted to the wiki because we couldn't find anything. As time went on, we of course added sources thatwere helpful as we found them. Out of all the sources that were found, only five of them were used. Any other source we found was just general backround information for the essay, nothing that was very useful. Not very much to say in terms of the wiki other than we used it semi-often. And just as a note to the intructors, the second source on the paper is only a web address because I couldn't get a correct citation for it.

4.)For this essay, I feel that I made a bit more progress than I did on the last two essays. I may have done the actual writing at the last minute, more so than not, but I feel that I did very well. This is the first essay that I have actually had confidence in. Maybe thats just because it's the last essay. I spent more time researching on this essay than I did on the last two and that, I feel, is a lot of progress. I also spent some extra time going over what I wrote to make sure it sounded good. I'd probably say that I get a pass. Possibly a pass+. Because of all this, I can say with confidence that I have improved quite a bit from the other two essays.

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