Monday, January 7, 2008

#10 AoD

My cohort has just started Political Science and Sociology as two of our classes. It deals with the way politics work and how the government is run as well as how society and people live and interact. This in general, relates to Arts of Democracy because they also deal with similar issues. Arts of democracy and sociology relate because they both look into how people interact and how they live. Arts of Democracy and Political science relate becuase Arts of Democracy look at the basics for the democratic system which in turn is used in politics. Seeing as we are only a day into the class, I do not have a deeper understanding of how the the three classes relater but as ther quarter goes on I believe that I will start to see more of the connections. On another note, I was able to apply the arts of democracy to my life during Christmas break. My parents decided to let my little brother and sister choose cat that they wanted to get. They did not argue about it but I could tell that they were getting close to a confrontation. I stepped in and tryed to help them settle the matter. My sister wanted the black cat and my brother wanted the orange one. My brother gave in regardless of my assistance. However, my sister wanted to name our new cat too. I suggested that it was only fair that my brother get to name it since he did not get to pick it. Luckily we were able to avoid an argument becuase of my interference. That is how the arts of Democracy has related to my life in recent weeks. If you were curious by chance, we named the cat Arlene.

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