Wednesday, January 16, 2008

#11 AoD

For this post I am going to focus on finding an issue or something related that I want to follow. One of the bigger issues that I could focus on is the primaries. It is practically inevitable that the Democrats will win the next election. What I could focus on is the tension between Clinton and Obama. It would be an interesting issue to follow because Clinton is the first woman who has come the closest to becoming president. Obama on the other hand is the first black person to run for president. Both parties being considered minorities will make this election a heated one. On another hand I could follow the Iraq war. It has been a difficult issue over the past few years and it happens to be one of the only issues I am interested in right now. However, by following the primaries I might get a better feeling of how the Iraq war will go. Chances are, no matter who wins, our troops will be pulled out so the question is, “What will happen to Iraq when our troops are pulled out?” Other than these issues, there is nothing else that intrests me enough to blog about.

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