Sunday, January 27, 2008

#12 AoD

Just this past week, Senator Barack Obama beat Senator Hillary Clinton in the Democrat primary in South Carolina. He won beacause his campaign staff as well as himself, did their work. What supposedly helped him was that about half the voters were black. South Carolina was Baracks first victory since the Iowa caucus beack at the beginning of January. In south Carolina, precint votes show Obama in the lead, Clinton in second, and Edwards in third. However Clinton is in the lead overall, with Obama in second, and Edwards still in third. Next up is Super tuesday on February fifth which will take place in New Jersey. This will be the earliest presidental primary in history. There will also be primaries and/or Caucuses in twenty-three other states which is why February fifth is known as Super Tuesday. As of now the latest polls show Clinton ahead of Obama for the Democrats and McCain ahead of Giuliani for the Republicans. Chances are that Super Tuesday is going to reveal the finalists in the race for the presidency.

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