Sunday, November 4, 2007

#6 AoD

As you know, the National College Fair is this Sunday and Monday. As you also know, we have to go to it for College 100. Up until today I thought it was a complete waste of my time. I figure that all colleges are the same so going to this would be a waste. My pprents kept telling me how it was important for me to go to it. I wouldn't believe them, no matter what they said. They decided that we would go down on Sunday to help me get going on the assingment and hopefully make me see their point. For the first half hour or so, I continued to believe that I was just wasting my time and even more effort. After another half hour to an hour and one workshop, I started to see what they meant. There are many differences among colleges. There is also much that is needed to be done to get into one. After that period of time I started to see that my parents are right and that taking the time to look at colleges is important. I already knew that getting into college was no easy task, but I never knew that is was even harder than that. Going to the college fair has helped me to see that if I want to get into college, I need to get going now and quit screwing around. If I don't start seriously thinking now, I might never get anywhere. I am still annoyed at my parents for making me spend my day there but I know now that it will help me in the long run, no matter how much I may deny it.

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