Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Essay #2 Reflection.

1.) On the first essay I did fairly well considering the large leap from high school to college. For the second essay, I truly think that I did not do very well. A no pass maybe a low pass. The low pass is what I'm hoping for. The reason for this would be lack of group communication and effort. I started out putting a lot of effort into the essay, but my partner kept waiting till the last minute to do her part. I tried most of the way through the essay to do it well and really try, but when my partner kept slacking off, I started to lose that want to even try. That of course is no excuse, but like I said, for the work I did, I probably deserve a no pass. Maybe, just maybe, a low pass. becauseof this, I am going to stive on the next essay to get a pass or a high pass. I don't want to settle for less.

2.) My process did not mesh very well with my partners. As I said before, I started out trying to get ahead and and get the work done but my partner kept waiting until the last minute. No matter what I did or said, she kept waiting and putting it off. In terms of the work she did, I would think she should get a no pass/low pass. In terms of her effort, I would think she should get a no pass. I'm glad that she did her work but I don't like the fact that it was always last minute. Because of that, I often had to do a rush job to get my part done. Communication was another problem we had. Often when I sent her an e-mail or message it would take her a day or a couple of days to get back to me. No matter how much I hounded her she just kept waiting. I don't like taking bad about her but it was extremely annoying. I honestly think that she should get a no pass. Possibly a low pass but notlikely.

3.) My partner and I never had any conflict. We did have some issues though. Actually I had some issues with her. As I have said many times above, she would not get her work done. She kept waiting till last minute. At first I tried to solve it by asking her if she could try and get going on her part because I don't do very well last minute. I gave it a day to see if it worked. In short it didn't. After that I started to hound her semi-daily. by hound, I mean I kept telling her that she needed to get her part done and done quickly. That didn't work. Finally, I sent her an e-mail that was straight short, and to the point. I got short with her and told her what needed to get done. Luckily, we were able to get the essay done and turned in on time. For our grade as a whole, I would say we got a no pass. A low pass is hopeful but not likely. The work was not the best it could have been but I'm hoping it was enough.

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