Tuesday, November 13, 2007

#7 AoD

Yesterday, we just finished our second essay for history. We did this essay in pairs. Of course, when working with another person, problems are always encountered. In my pair, there was a lot of issues with lack of group communication and the issue of doing things last minute. Instead of dealing with the problem, I tried to solve it in a gentle manner. I tired to contact my partner many times but she always took forever to get back to me. Instead of talking to her when I had the chance and trying to solve the problem, I often tried to do it in a gentle way or just let it go. Because, I didn't really put all my effort into solving the problem, a good chunk of the blame is on me. Negotiating and coming to some sort of agreement would most likely have helped, but I just didn't put as much effort into it as I should have. Luckily, it wasn't enough of an issue to need mediation. Because of all that happened, we probably won't get that good of a grade, but I can accept that and learn from my mistakes. I don't like taking control, but if there is anything I have learned from this, it is that sometimes taking control is needed. I also learned that some people just don't seem to care as much either. Next time, I will be sure to do what I need to solve the issue.

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