Friday, February 1, 2008

#13 AoD

Recently Ted Kennedy decided to Endorse Senator Barack Obama in the race for presidency. The supposed reason that Kennedy decided to endorse Obama was because he viewed as racially divisive comments from former president Bill Clinton. Also, author Toni Morrison has begun to endorse Obama. He said that it was only because of Obama's personal gifts. Back on tuesday, Hillary Clinton won the primary in Florida however, because no delagates were chosen, it did not help her as much as she wanted. Her victory however was good for her campaign after her big defeat by Obama in South Carolina. In Clintons campaign, there has been a dispute with former president Bill Clinton because many think he has been running the campaign instead of Hillary. Some have come to believe that Hillarys campaign has been more of a co-presidency since Bill entered the picture, which causes Hillary to not look like a strong female leader. It was suggested that Mr. Clinton take a more positive tone and support Hillary more on the sidelines. Coming up in a few days is Super Tuesday. Because of the states stampedeing there may be problems in terms of stalled tallied and much confusion. On an edn note, John Edwards announced on Wednesday that he was drpooing out of the race for presidency. He said that it was time to step aside “so that history can blaze its path.”

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