Thursday, February 7, 2008

#14 AoD

This past Tuesday, 2/5/08, was the day known as Super Tuesday. Of the Super Tuesday states, Barack Obama won thirteen and Hillary Clinton won eight including American Samoa. The total amount of delegates on Clinton's side is 845 while Obama's is 765. To claim their nomination, they would nees 2,025 delegates. Obama's winning states were: Connecticut, Georgia, Alabama, Delaware, Utah, Illinois, North Dakota, Minnesota, Kansas, Idaho, Alaska, Colorado, and Missouri. Clinton's winning states were: New York, California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arizona, and Arkansas. Clinton won in California mainly because of the backing from Hispanic voters. Obama won in Alabama and Gerogia because of the strength from black support. Clinton was winning with a slight edge from women and white voters but now she is having a stronger appeal among the hispanic population. Not suprising, the majority of Obama's votes came from blacks. On the opposite side, John McCain won 613 delegates, Mitt Romney had 269, and 190 for Mike Huckabee. However it takes 1,191 delegates to win the GOP nomination. McCain was going strong with independents andRomney was getting approximately four in ten votes from people who were considered conservative. McCain won the states of California, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Missouri, Delaware, and Arizona as well as Oklahoma and Illinois. Huckabee won in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and his home state. Romney won in Massachuttes and Utah but also gained victories in North Dakota, Montana, Minnesota, Alaska and Colorado. McCains victory in California caused a crushing blow to Romney. McCain was able to pile his lead up because nine of the Republican contests were winner take all. Also recently, Democrat John Edwards dropped out of the race for president. Unless something changes it seems that either Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or John McCain is going to be the winner of the presidental election.

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