Thursday, February 28, 2008

#17 AoD

Senator Hillary Clinton, has been having a rough time in the political race letely. She is still hoping that she can win in Texas and Ohio on Tuesday. In the debate in Clevland, Senator Clinton went after Senator Obama with full force. She accused him "of distorting her record on trade and health care in mass mailings to Ohio voters." Also in Boston, Clinton outlined her plan that she will follow so that she can beat Obama in Texas and Ohio on the fourth. She said a big part of her plan will be to focus on the experience gap between the two senators. She has already spent almost 130 million of the money for her campaign. After her Even after the debate, Senator Clinton did not seem to make the shift that she wanted to so that she could turn her campaign around. The race is still in favor of Senator Obama. "With a week left, the debate provided what might have been her final opportunity to find an effective line of attack against Mr. Obama."(Adam Nagourney, The New York Times.) Throughout the debate, Senator Obama was lucky enough to be the one candidate with very little to prove. Senator Clinton has seemed unable to knock Senator Obama off of his very high pedestal. Senator Obama has remained a very elusive target to Senator Clinton. Whether or not she can unravel the "mystery" of Senator Obama may detirmine whether or not she can beat Senator Obama in Texas and Ohio on Tuesday, March 4th. By this time next week, we should know whether or not Senator Clinton will continue in the presidental race.

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