Friday, February 22, 2008

#16 AoD

In the political race for the presidency, things have not been going very well for Senator Hillary Clinton. She has already lost eleven straight caucuses and primaries to Senator Barack Obama. Not only that but her financial situation is going down the tube. She has spent excessive amounts of money on food and lodging for her campaigning group. Unless she can win in the primary in both Texas and Ohio on March fourth, she will likely not make it to becoming president. On Thursday February 21, Clinton and Obama faced off in a debate in Austin, Texas. Clinton accused Obama of political plagiarism and said that he represented, and I quote, "change you can Xerox." One of the issues they spoke on was their dissagreement of the change in Cuban government. They also argued on the healthcare issue stating that Obamas plan would leave 15 million Americans uncovered. At one point, the debate audience booed at Clinton. In addition to losing 11 primaries, Hillary Clinton also lost the overseas competition for those Americans living abroad, as weel as she is is now behind on the number of delegates needed to become a presidential nominee. When the two senators met in Los Angeles to debate, they were politely dissagreeing but their debates have become hit and run cases, accusing eachother of distorting the truth for their own gains. Right now Obama is going strong and unless something changes drastically, Hillary Clinton just might be out of the race to become our next president.

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