Friday, February 15, 2008

#15 AoD

Thus far since Super Tuesday, senator Barack Obama was has an 8-0 winning streak. If he is able to take Wisconsin and Hawaii this Tuesday, he will have a 10-0 winning streak. He was the first to be put on ther air in Wisconsin and released tv spots. The Clinton party however, retaliated by launching the first tv attack ad in the race. Both are fighting over the blue-collar workers in the badger statebut Obama recieved a labor endorsment and is hoping to catch a lager one from the Service Employees International Union. Clinton however is going to need a large push to regain her previous momentum. Since his victory in South Carolina, Obama has been able to solidify his support on the left. He has been able to get many endorsments from multiple sources. One reason that many senetors and other big whigs are leaning towards Obama is because he is considered a stronger, less polarizing election candidate. There has also been a major moval of superdelegates from Clinton to Obama. It could become worse for the Clinton campaign if there is an upset in ohio or Texas come March fourth. Because of all that is happening, the Clinton campaign has plenty of reason to be worried. As always though, we will have to wait and see what happens. Things could change at any time.

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