Monday, October 1, 2007

#1 AoD

In the last few weeks, my parents and I have been debating over my getting a job. Late into the summer, I had been wanting to get a job. At the time, my parents a greed that it would be good. Sadly though, it did not work out for me. I was unable to get one before school started and thats when the argument began. My parents told me that after school started, I couldn't get a job because I would be too bogged down with work. For a short time, I argued with them every chance I got. At first when school started, the work did not seem too bad and I still thought I could handle it and a job. As the first few days wore on I started to realize that maybe they were right. In just one week, I came to realize that my getting a job during school would just not work out. I'm happy that I realized my parents were right and saw their side of the issue berfore they gave in, which could have and would cause untold misery for me. This relates to Arts of Democracy because I originally had my own opinion about my getting a job during school that was different from my parents. Later though, I saw and understood their side of the issue, partially through debate but also through experience, which as a whole, relates to the art of debate.

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