Thursday, October 11, 2007

Outline Revised

I. How politics were reflected in the rebellion.
A. Berkeley tried to stay on good terms with the Indians.
1. He wanted to continue trading with the Indians. (
a. The more allies Berkeley had, the better.
B. Against Berkeley’s orders and authority, Bacon attacked a friendly tribe. (
1. I think Bacon accidentally attacked the wrong tribe because I do not think that Bacon wanted more Indians against him.
a. I think this because the last thing one needs in a war is more enemies.
C. Bacon issued the Declaration of the People. (The American Promise Volume A.)
1. After capturing Jamestown, Bacon wanted to make his success whole. (
a. I think he did this to try and get all the people of Jamestown on his side.
D. After Bacon died, Berkeley returned to power. (The American Promise Volume A.)
1. Berkeley hanged all the major contributors of the rebellion. (
a. I think he did this because he disliked having his power removed from him by a “rebel.”
2. Berkeley was relieved of his position as governor. (
a. An investigation committee arrived from England to look into the matter. (
II. How the resolution transformed Chesapeake society.
A. The resolution did very little to change Chesapeake society.
1. Tidewater aristocracy continued to maintain its power long after Berkeley was removed. (
a. I think it is pitiful that the colonists had to trade one government for another.
2. The only real benefits were that the Indians stopped attacking the colonists. (
a. I say the colonists were lucky to not constantly have to worry about being killed by the natives.
III. Relating this theme to my life today.
A. Politics today seem almost as bad as they were back before, during, and after Bacon’s rebellion.
1. The government is becoming almost as corrupt as it was then.
a. The government officials raise the taxes only to give themselves higher salaries.
b. I think that government officials work just as hard as any other person therefore they should receive no special treatment or privileges.
2. As the government becomes more and more corrupt, society just becomes worse and worse.
a. I say that eventually people will get tired of all the problems and deal with it themselves.
B. The political aspects do not really affect me just yet.
1. I do know enough about them to know the trouble they are causing.
2. I have a feeling things are going to get worse before they get better.

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