Monday, October 1, 2007

#4 Service Reflection

I thought, as a whole, that the community service work done, this past Friday, went very well. The group I was in went to this elderly persons house to do yard work. We were supposed to be there for three hours but we finished the work in about one and a half to two hours. There were so many of us in a small area that the work got done fairly quickly making me wish that there could have been more for me to do to help. Then again, there was not a lot of work to begin with. It felt really good, to help the elderly person whose yard we cleaned up. She seemed to be extremely grateful for the work that we did. The group also seemed very glad to be able to do it and help her when she needed us. I, personally, would be willing to help her again if it is ever needed. I truthfully believe that my group really made that persons day and I am happy to have been able to do so.

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