Tuesday, October 16, 2007

AoD #3

Lately, my grandparents have been having a lot of arguments. Almost everytime I see them, they are or end up fighting about something. These arguments do not last very long but they are very annoying. I have done this a few times, but late last week, I sat down with them and tried to figure out what the problems were and come up witha solution. My grandma's argument was that my grandpa constantly nags and complains about every little thing. My grandpa said that all my grandma ever does is yell at him and get upset. As they talked and argued, I did my best to keep the peace, and suprisingly, it worked for the most part. I suggested that maybe if my grandpa stopped complaining a bit perhaps my grandma would quit yelling and getting mad at him. This short session lasted only ten minutes or so but it resolved the problem a least for a while. This applies to Arts of Democracy because I sat down with my grandparent's and mediated between them while they tried to figure out, at best, a temporary solution. Instead of letting them continue on bickering, I tried to help solve the situation. I know that my grandparent's are getting older and therfore they are going to fight, but as their second oldest grandson, I feel it is my job to try and help them get along and not fight. I hope that the help I offered works so that there is no need to do it again.

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