Friday, October 26, 2007

#13 Mid-Term Practice

All things, somehow, are interconnected. One action stems from another. All things happen because of necessity. Fear and liberty all come from necessity as well. In the given quote, it says fear and liberty are consistent, while liberty and necessity are also consistent. Fear is connected to liberty and liberty is connected to necessity. I often find this to be true. Ofter people are loyal to their governments because of fear of that government. Yet, people are loyal to their governments because they need to be. People want protection so they turn to their government for it. Therefore, they must be loyal to that government.

The main issue is that all things are connected like a chain. Anything that happens is just another link in the chain. Hobbes is trying to say exactly what I said before. People are loyal out of fear but they are also loyal out of necessity. People need their governments to protect them. They are also loyal out of fear of what their governments may do to them. Hobbes says all of man's actions stem from fear of the law. Hobbes says that, "Every desire, and inclination proceeds from some cause, and that from another cause." Basically, the cause of one action becomes the cause of another action. Liberty is naturally a part of man so it is also necessity.

I believe this to be true because I have heard about it happening all over the world. This country was formed because people wanted liberty and freedom from their government. Because of this, we have no need to be fearful of our government but we do need the protection it gives us. In other countries though, I have heard that people have no choice but to be loyal to their governments. In some arab countries for example, people are loyal to the government because they are afraid of being killed. Yet, they are still lyal because they think that the government who rules them will give them protection. I say that such thinking is foolish. If people are afraid o their governments, then why would they think that the government would protect them? I believe that such fears have been a contributing factor in many rebellions in the past. People do notwant to be afraid, they want protection and security.

Liberty comes from necessity, and liberty from fear. They all are interconnected and are consistent with eachother in one way or another. People want liberty without fear.

1 comment:

Craig McKenney said...


Very nicely done...professional and authoritative voice, as well as a very clear personal connection to the issue.

Be sure to quote the passage and also provide a bit more of the context behind why Hobbes was discussing this issue.