Tuesday, October 30, 2007

#5 AoD

About one to two weeks ago, we had to do an essay on one aspect of Bacon's Rebellion. Government and politics played a large part in this rebellion. At first the rebellion was about fighting against the Indians but it soon turned into a battle between the poor farmers and the planter elite. Bacon ended up burning down Jamestown during this and also replaced many if not all of the old Burgesses. Bacon ended up dying and Berkeley soon returned to power. He was relieved of his position and returned to England while a more "fitting" governor took his place. This relates to Arts of Democracy because like many times in history, the people rebelled against a corrupt or "bad" government. Instead of a more political approach, people often rebell to change what they do not like. I personally think that Bacon would have gotten his point across when he burned Jamestown but perhaps some people are just harder to convince than others. The rebellion as a whole, failed, but tensions between the poor farmers and the planter elite lessened. Rebellion has always seemed to be the way that people have used to fight against their governments and I think that such a method is going to continue being used for years to come. Fighting and war does seem to be a large part of human nature after all.

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