Tuesday, October 23, 2007

#12 Essay 1 Reflection

I honestly think that I did okay, not great but okay. At the most a pass, as the least a low pass. I made good use of my class time but not great use of the time I worked at home. I often got distracted and because of that I din't do the best work that I could have done. It would also have helped if I had spent some more time researching. I could have done much, much better but I did not put one hundred percent effort into it. That is the most likely the contribution to what I get for a grade.

During this essay I believe that I learned a lot about my writing process. The general format of a structured outline, a draft, corrections, and rewriting work fairly well for me. It can be frustrating but it help me to figure out what I am going to write and how I am going to write it. I learned that my writing philosophy has and will change. I learned that for my writing, just organizing my information is not enough. I learned that it has to be more structured and exact for me to write a decent to good essay. I also learned that my opinion is more important now. I learned that I have to start developing my own opinion as I go through lessons an such because it is going to start being more improtant than just facts. I also learned that templates for my drafts can be fairly helpful. Instead of just writing in a sloppy way, I can write in a way that makes and puts my information in a sensible order.

I learned that there is a very large difference between college writing and high school writing. In high school, I could wite two to three pages of semi mindless dribble and still get an A. In college though, writing has to be more focused and specific because getting good grades is at least twice as hard. College writing has to be good and thorough whereas in high school, writing just needs what the assingment asks and nothing more. In short, college writing is by far tougher, and if you don't give your full effort, you are going to fail.

For my next essay, I am going to make some big changes. Firstly, when the essay is assinged, I am not going to mess around. I am going to start reasearching right away so I don't have to do it all at once and have mediocre information. Also, I will take more time to wrok on my draft and make sure that when I work at home, I focus in so the work gets done and done good. I am not going to keep in the mind set that I can somewhat goof off and still do good. Finally I am goign to start planning ahead what part of the process I am going to do on a given day so the work gets done effeciently. I am going to start focusing and trying my hardest so that I can succeed in this school.

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