Friday, October 5, 2007

#7 Brainstorming and Notes for Bacon's Rebellion

*difficulties encouraged the colonists to find a scapegoat against whom they could vent their frustrations and place the blame for their misfortunes.
*Berkeley had refused to react to the claims that the Indians were committing murders and thefts on the frontier.
*Bacon left the proceedings, gathered together his own troops, and forced Governor Berkeley to give him a commission.

*Bacon died of an illness
*his remains either buried anonymously, or burned to prevent the spread of disease.
*During the civil war, Jamestown was burned to the ground and never rebuilt
*without a leader, the rebellion crumbled
*Berkeley hanged twenty-two, and was so ferocious that the king lost patience and ordered him to return to England.
*The rebellion began when a group of former indentured servants led by Nathaniel Bacon, a young plantation owner, accused Governor Berkeley of failing to protect them from raids by Native Americans.
*On July 30, 1676, Bacon and his makeshift army issued a Declaration of the People of Virginia, demanding that natives in the area be killed or removed, and an end of the rule of "parasites"
*Governor Berkeley returned to power, seizing the property of several rebels and hanging 21- 23 men.
*Bacon commanded two unauthorized but successful expeditions against the tribes and was then elected to the new house of burgesses
*He was a cousin by marriage to Governor Berkeley
*Bacon then led his men to the capital
*he demanded a commission to clear Indians from the remote, outlying areas of the colony
*When Berkeley refused, Bacon's men extorted the commission by threatening to kill him and the members of the Assembly.
*As settlers moved west, they constantly asked for protection from the Indians
*farmers in the Piedmont and the Tidewater aristocrats continued to feud for more than a century
*The aristocrats continued to dominate Virginia's government, economy, and culture.
*Bacon planned to exterminate the Indians in the colony
*Indians within the colony lost population and land
*Bacon's Laws became permanent, and the Indian threat was removed

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