Tuesday, October 23, 2007

#4 AoD

Lately my parents and their rules have been getting a little out of hand. Last week they decided that they would start eating healthy. They also think that my sibblings and I should have to eat healthy all the time too. I really do not think that is fair seeing as they tried to do this once before. I have been trying to get them to change their minds ever since they started. So far it has been a partial failure. I told them that I am almost seventeen so I should have some say in what I eat. I also told them that I am young enough to be able to handle junk food in the way that they cannot. They did not take the old joke quite as well as I had hoped but I did make them stop and think for a moment. I have been constantly negotiating with them to at least give me some leverage seeing as I am the oldest. They have bent a little in the past few days. They said they will let me have soda as long as I do not drink it in front of them. I'd call that a victory, a small victory, but a victory none the less. I know they are trying to improve the quality of my life but I am still young. I want to be able to enjoy what I want before I get to old to be able to anymore. Luckily they are starting to see my side even if it is only a little.

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