Tuesday, October 9, 2007

AoD #2

As my grandparents get older, my sibblings and I have to spend a lot more time with them. We always argue about who's turn it it is to go over and spend time with them. Early last weekend I finally had enough. I got the four of us into the living room and had us design a calender that we could use so that we quit fighting. We spent over half an hour, much to my youngest sisters dislike, making up a calender of who goes over and when. We decided that my younger sister and I would spend more time with them on the weekends because we have school during the week. My little brother and youngest sister do their time on the weekdays because they are homeschooled and therefore have more freetime during the day. This relates to the concept of AoD because my sibblings and I had an issue we had to resolve. We got together as a group and worked out a way to solve the problem and at least slow down the arguing. Instead of letting the problem contiue, we worked out a creative way to solve it without being totally unfair to eachother. I do not know how well this plan will work or even if it will work. For all the effort we put into it, I hope it lasts at least for a while.

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